Business Travel: Ensure that you prepare your child well in advance

With business travel becoming an essential and uncompromising aspect of my job, I felt the need to prepare my child for her mom’s frequent absence. Also, being the closest to her, there was this sense of guilt about not being around when she needed me the most. I had to ensure that nothing changed between us and yet she understood my need to travel. And here’s what I learnt in the process:

  • Remember that kids like to be surprised, but not all the time! Forewarn them before you travel. No matter how difficult or painful, if you leave unannounced, you’re likely to weaken their trust. And if you must leave very early in the morning, say your good-byes the night before, so that you’re giving them ample time to prepare. 
  • Let children know why you have to travel for work. It is important to briefly explain what you’ll be doing as kids sometimes wonder about the simplest things - like how you will get food to eat or where you will stay. If those details worry your child, reassure them with the necessary information. 
  • Explain how long you’ll be gone. Most children won’t want to understand calendar dates especially where your travel is concerned, so talk about how many nights or how many days it will be before you return home. However, also prepare them for flight delays as they may upset the best of plans. 
  • Use technology to stay in touch. Call home when you reach the destination and leave your contact number. Don’t forget promised call times. Most kids - especially mine - don’t talk a lot during phone calls, but they still like to hear your voice. If you get delayed, remember to give kids a sincere apology once you do talk with them. 
 These are just a few tips to help ease the separation between you and your child during travel. There are many more useful ideas in the book ‘The Business Traveling Parent by Dan Verdick’, wherein Verdick shares lots of ways to creatively stay in touch with children when you’re away. Bon voyage!

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